Introduction to SELGYC
The Spanish Society of General and Comparative Literature (SELGYC) was founded in 1977 in Madrid so as to foster the studies of Comparative Literature and General Literary Theory.
There are 262 members and up to now twenty one simposia have been held: seven in Madrid, two in Barcelona, two in Santiago de Compostela and the others in Granada, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Huelva, León, Alcalá de Henares, Lucena (Córdoba), Alicante, Salamanca y Santander.
The Society publishes a periodical, 1616; twelve volumes have appeared and contain a selection of the papers presented at the simposia. Volume IX surveys a series of essays on current topics of comparative literature and there are monographic issues such as El Relato intercalado, which was published jointly with the Juan March Foundation, and El mito, los mitos (2002).
Equally, the proceedings of the simposia held at the Universities of Granada, Zaragoza, Santiago, Huelva and León were published by these institutions respectively.
The Society is currently presided over by Dámaso López García (for the term 2014-2017) and the previous presidents were professors Carlos Alvar, Carlos García Gual, the late Manuel Fernández Galiano and the members of the Spanish Royal Academy (R.A.E.), the late Fernando Lázaro Carreter, the late Claudio Guillén, Darío Villanueva and professor Montserrat Cots; all of them with the title of Honorary President. Professor Margarita Smerdou Altolaguirre is also an Honorary President.
In order to join SELGYC, please, send the required documentation described as follows.
Active members must pay the annual fee, which entitles to receive the periodical, and other publications, and the participation at Simposia of the Society.
By paying a small supplement one may become a member of the ICLA/AILC (International Comparative Literature Association/Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée), in which SELGYC has been
integrated since 1993.
Etiquetas: SELGYC, comparative literature, general literary theory, spanish society literature